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In 2022, WeChat has over 1.2 billion monthly active users. It is the most popular mobile social media platform in China.
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In the Name of Love: How These 6 Luxury Brands Capture Consumers’ Hearts in 520 Holiday

520 is now marked on luxury brands’ calendar, and they spend significant marketing dollars to help promote exclusive products. Photo: Estee Lauder/Weibo
In the West, May 20th is just another Monday.But in China, it’s now a special occasion for expressing love. The number 520 said aloud sounds a lot like “I love you (我爱你)” in Chinese, and it started out as secret internet slang, but the term soon went mainstream, and now it’s become an important gift-giving holiday.
Therefore, 520 is now marked on luxury brands’ calendar, and they spend significant marketing dollars to help promote exclusive products. Below we collected some of this year’s most note worthy campaigns.
EsteeLauder: Exclusive lipsticks for fans
For 520, Estee Lauder is bringing some excitement to fans of the singer Hua Chenyu (華晨宇) with three exclusive lipstick colors. Their campaign features a video of Hua that makes one feel like the product is a personal gift designed by the star himself, it had Hua inscribing the number 520 onto a lipstick tube and talking about the new reddish lipstick color titled “Mars” (which is the nickname of Hua’s fans). One exclusive lipstick, which was made for his fans to wear at his concert, saw massive success. And it looks like the strategy is still working. Within a day of posting the video,10,440 tubes of lipstick (each at about$117) had been booked for pre-sale on Taobao (淘寶).

Source: In the Name of Love: How These 6 Luxury Brands Capture Consumers’ Hearts in 520 Holiday——Jing Daily

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